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4 Tips for Your Healthiest and Happiest Summer Ever

4 Tips for Your Healthiest and Happiest Summer Ever

This summer, it's all about you. 

We know you’ve read countless, probably dozens of articles that talk about food, exercise and self-loving your way to a happy, healthy body. Yet, none of them really stick with you. We get it. How do you learn to love your body when you have a mental list of things you wish you could change about it? Why can’t you have your cake and eat it too? Why does exercise have to be so daunting sometimes? And why does this all seem even more aggravating once summer rolls around?

Ah, summer. The season of extremely hot temperatures and bikini bodies. It’s with the ‘bikini bodies’ that usually come anxiety, nervousness and panic. Maybe thoughts of ‘I don’t look good enough’, or ‘I need to lose twenty pounds at least’ begin to pass through your mind as summer rolls around.

Instead of letting this summer turn into a hot nightmare of trying to cover up your body and doing anything to avoid wearing a swimsuit, why not make this the summer that you embrace a lifestyle that keeps you happy and healthy all year-round and not just ‘summer ready’?



Most of us already know what we should eat and what we shouldn’t eat as much of. Some of the keys to a healthy lifestyle include: eating a variety of food (ensuring you’re receiving adequate vitamins and minerals across all food groups), watching portion sizes, and eating plenty of produce.

blueberries blueberry fruit food healthy big t nyc

(Source: Unsplash)

Since we are more than 60% water, drinking plenty of water is extremely important. Drinking water water energize our muscles and keep our skin healthy and soft. For some, water can get boring so a great option is organic teas. High quality organic teas can deliver delicious fruity or floral notes of flavor, while keeping you hydrated. Drinking tea replaces fluids and provides antioxidants, so you’re getting a two-for-one with each cup of tea. This premium, organic Sencha green tea by BIG T NYC is mixed with hints of cherry and rose for a refreshing yet luxuriously light tonic. Even better, you can enjoy your favorite tea cold brewed. 



Cultivating a positive mindset is crucial to beginning a new healthy lifestyle. Benefits of positive thinking include: lower rates of depression, better psychological and physical well-being, and better coping skills during times of stress and hardship. Practicing meditation (which has been shown to improve the immune system and increase happiness), having a gratitude journal/diary to appreciate the things in your life that are going well, surrounding yourself with positive, supportive friends, and just doing your best to be aware of the thoughts in your head and re-framing them as often as you can are great ways to start being more positive.

mindful meditation big t nyc

(Source: Unsplash)



Maintaining an exercise regime provides a host of positive results in your life besides a fitter body. Exercise allows you to begin to appreciate your body, increase your confidence as well as energy levels, and improve your health (reducing the risks of diabetes, depression and anxiety). The beauty of exercise is that it doesn’t come in one form, so if you’re not a fan of running, then you can take up basketball, yoga, weight lifting, tennis and/or swimming. 

big t nyc running fitness health

(Source: Unsplash)



It’s easy to get discouraged when the scale/mirror aren’t showing the progress you want. But, as that cliché quote you’re tired of hearing goes, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’. We all want progress five seconds ago, but once you start working hard and trusting the process, you’ll see results and that’ll motivate you to keep going. When you expect to lose five pounds in a week and workout at 6 a.m. every day while eating ‘super healthy’, drinking lots of water and tea, and managing your work and social life, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Even Superwoman would be a little stressed at the prospect of such an overhaul in her life, so start easy. Take your time and instead of seeing someone else’s body as your #goals, take advantage of this summer to become your own #goals.

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